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Booga Booga is a command-line app written in node.js and designed to automate your farming and harvesting needs. The app can be found here: https://github. com/Oseron/booga-booga Booga Booga is able to do the following: - Automate resource farming in an efficient, speedy, and networked manner - Automatically turn on speed when farming during the night in order to maximize yield-time. - Calculate an estimated time for when you'll need to use a totem of the earth in order to continue your farm run without interruption. - Turn off infernal jump. Using Booga Booga can make your life in Tibia easier and more efficient. Booga Booga runs in a terminal and requires NPM and Node.js to be installed on your system. On Debian/Ubuntu, the following command must be issued: sudo apt-get install npm nodejs Booga Booga is written in JavaScript and uses the following technologies: All of these technologies can be found here: https://github. com/Oseron/booga-booagauth Booga Booga has been translated to: http://www.indiedb. com/games/booga-booagauth https://forums. https://twitter. com/BoogaBoooGauth https://youtu. be/7zk5Zu9Vj9Q com/watch?v=eKWZb7m_5fM https://youtu. be/7zk5Zu9Vj9Q com/watch?v=eKWZb7m_5fM com/watch?v=OhtKcwvSK4Q http://www.indiedb. com/games/booga-booagauth http://www.indiedb. com/games/booga-booagauth https://forums. https://twitter. com/BoogaBoooGauth https://youtu. be/_ri9dP4xr78 cfa1e77820